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Post Cards

Phases of the Innovation Cycle

Initial idea → Inspiration

Inspiration → Planning

Planning → Development

Development → Realisation

Realisation → Dissemination

Dissemination → Embedding


To give words to complex issues.


A picture is worth a thousand words! This is why it makes sense to choose a picture to help one to find the words! Choose a set of pictures for example post cards or specially designed facilitation cards with many different kind of pictures, no words. Ask the participants to choose a picture that best describes their answer for example “Choose a picture that illustrates your strengths as a farmer” or “Choose a card that illustrates your development needs”. The card will help to describe what is in the mind in a summarized way and at the same time will help the person involved and the group to remember what was said. 

Preparation times

0-2 hours

Execution times

0-2 hours

Materials needed

30-100 different printed pictures/ cards.