standard costs
The implementation of the RDPs 2014-2020 made evident the need to simplify the administrative procedures for reporting the costs of the training bodies, at the penalty of low level of applications and of access to vocational training by the farmers, other farm workers and advisors (M1 and M2).
During the programming period 2014-2022, for the purpose of simplifying the planning and reporting of vocational training activities (M1 and M2), the Managing Authority (MA) of the Tuscany Region adopted a simplified cost options (SCO) method that was based on the series of historical monitoring data already gathered for training courses that were realized under the ROP - Regional Operational Programme of European Social Fund (ESF) 2007-2013.
As a first step, monitoring data were clustered by the following key variables that normally affect the costs of training:
A. Category of costs of training: A1 - Training Structural Costs; A2 - Attendance costs.
B. Duration of the training in hours: B1 – Long term training (≥ 61); B2 – Medium term training
(≥21≤60); B3 - Short term training (≤20).
Secondly, average costs were determined for the variables A. in relation to the duration of the trainings (variable B).
As a matter of fact, the results of the data analyses brought to three SUCs that depend on the duration of the trainings (table 2).
Table 1: Categories of costs relating to vocational training under RDPs
Table 2: SUC for vocational training under RDPs
*For single trainee.
The costs of each training course are then determined by the following formula:
Box1: Calculation of training courses under RDPs
The use of standard costs under the CAP Regulation 2023-2027 has been furtherly simplified. However, some administrative arrangements still remain relevant: