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Advisory Board

Phases of the Innovation Cycle

Inspiration → Planning

Support to farmers

Group of farmers



To provide farmers with advice from different perspectives.


The Advisory Board Method brings together gatekeepers and non-gatekeepers to create a balanced farm management strategy and to gain new insights into managing the farm and how to develop these into a concrete plan. Gatekeepers provide strategic guidance, while non-gatekeepers offer practical insights, ensuring the plan is both visionary and actionable.

1. Forming the Advisory Board

The board includes:

  • Gatekeepers, such as industry leaders, policymakers, and experts, who offer strategic guidance, market insights, and access to resources.
  • Non-Gatekeepers, like farm workers and local community members, who provide practical, day-to-day insights on farm operations.

2. Structured Collaboration

Through regular meetings, both groups share their insights:

  • Gatekeepers discuss broader trends, regulations, and opportunities.
  • Non-Gatekeepers focus on the feasibility of these strategies at the operational level, highlighting practical challenges.

3. Insight Gathering and Analysis

The board synthesizes both strategic advice from gatekeepers and practical feedback from non-gatekeepers. This helps identify both opportunities and challenges, creating a balanced perspective for decision-making.

4. Developing the Plan

The insights are used to create a strategic plan that blends high-level goals with practical implementation steps. The plan is designed to address long-term objectives while being grounded in the realities of farm operations.

5. Implementation and Monitoring

The advisory board continues to oversee the plan’s implementation. Gatekeepers may help secure resources, while non-gatekeepers monitor progress on the ground, ensuring the plan remains relevant and adaptable.


Preparation times

4-6 hours

Execution times

2-4 hours

4-6 hours