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Brainwriting 635

Phases of the Innovation Cycle

Initial idea → Inspiration

Support to farmers

Group of farmers


To collect a diverse range of ideas through equal participation, ensuring that every participant has an opportunity to contribute and build upon the ideas of others in a collaborative yet structured manner


The Brainwriting 635 method is a structured group brainstorming technique designed to encourage idea generation and development in a collaborative yet quiet setting. The process works as follows:

  1. Participants and Materials: 6 participants are each given a template consisting of a table with 3 columns and 6 rows (each for one participant).
  2. Initial Ideas: In the first round, each participant writes down three ideas (one per column) related to the topic or question in the first row of their template.
  3. Passing and Building: Once the first row is complete (typically after 5 minutes), participants pass their template to the next person in the group. The next participant builds on or develops the initial ideas by completing the second row of the table.
  4. Repeating the Process: This process continues in a circular fashion, with each participant receiving a new template in every round. The templates are passed five times, ensuring all six rows in each template are filled with ideas.
  5. Outcome: At the end of the session, each template contains a total of 18 ideas (3 ideas per row × 6 rows), resulting in 108 ideas across the group.

This method encourages creativity, reduces groupthink, and ensures equal participation, as everyone has the opportunity to contribute and expand on others’ ideas independently.

Preparation times

0-2 hours

2-4 hours

Execution times

0-2 hours

Materials needed

  • Templates: Tables with 3 columns and 6 rows printed or drawn on paper for each participant
  • Writing tools
  • Topic or question: A clearly defined topic or problem statement should be shared with all participants before starting the session
  • Timer
  • Setup: A quiet meeting space where participants can sit in a circle or pass templates easily