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Spiral of Innovation

Phases of the Innovation Cycle

Initial idea → Inspiration

Inspiration → Planning

Planning → Development

Development → Realisation

Realisation → Dissemination

Dissemination → Embedding

Support to farmers

Group of farmers



This tool supports you in understanding innovative processes as a whole; and mapping different phases, actors and activities.


The trainer explains the Spiral of initiatives diagram and its seven steps. Participants then identify what stage the project is at and analyse how the process has developed so far: what has been done, key actors and activities at each stage so far, and what needs to happen for the process to evolve.

Preparation times

0-2 hours

Execution times

0-2 hours

Materials needed

  • Rope and pieces of paper to recreate the Spiral of Initiatives in the floor (see pic) or Spiral of Initiatives recreated on a whiteboard, or on a big enough piece of paper (e.g. flipchart paper or A0/A1)
  • Flipchart 
  • Blocks of sticky notes, one for each participant
  • Sharpies or pens
  • Bring your own project to explore!




Spiral of initiatives_Doc

